Saturday 11 August 2012

Favourite Fridays - One Lovely Blog Award

Every Friday I would like to take the time to share some of my favourite things with you, whoever you are. Today I had intended to come and share some of my favourite blogs with you. However, this morning, my friend and colleague Leah at Growing Up, One Day at a Time nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award. Leah's blog has been inspirational to me (be sure to check our her 27 by 27 list! I attempted a 31 by 31 list and it fell by the wayside...maybe I will attempt a new one this year? But in any case, she has inspired me to work on a bucket list).

The rules for the award are as follows:

1. link back to the person that nominated you (see the link above)
2. list 7 somewhat random things about yourself
3. nominate 10 other blogs and notify them that you nominated them

This sounds like a much more interesting way to list some of my favourite blogs. What timing!

So, without further ado, here are 7 random things about me:

1. I am scared of thunderstorms
Not really the storm itself, but the fact that it is often accompanied by tornado warnings. When a warning is issuued, I get the kids out of bed and go into the (thankfully, finished) basement until the warning is lifted. Yes, I am somewhat paranoid - which leads me to my next item.

2. I am paranoid
I always expect the worst case scenario, and make a big deal out of things that are not big deals. I hate roller coasters - not only because they make me sick, but because I think I will die on them. And I don't want anyone I know/love to go on them either. It is exhausting worrying so much.

3. I am a planner and a procrastinator
Sounds like an impossible feat, I know. But I really manage to excel at both of these. I make big plans/lists etc. and then put-off actually imnplementing them. It drives my husband nuts - I tell him all these things I want to do around the house and when he's ready to do them, I always find a reason not to.

4. I like rules
Anyone who knows me well knows that I like rules, and I don't like breaking them. I am always afraid I will get caught, or I will disappoint someone. I did my fair share of rebellious things in highschool, but as an adult, I really don't like to break the rules. And having rules lets me know what is expected of me.

5. I dyed my hair creamsicle orange (and I miss it)
In highschool, I bleached and dyed my hair the colour of a creamsicle. The exact colour was "Tiger Lily" from Manic Panic. I loved it. I wish I had the kind of job (and the guts) that would allow me to do it again. When my kids want to dye their hair crazy colours, I will be right there to help them. If you can't do it in highschool when can you. I am fortunate that I had parents who also felt this way and allowed us to express ourselves. Speaking of which...I always wanted to get my nose pierced -and I will....someday. Maybe while I am on maternity leave. Think it would be weird for a 30+ year old to get it done so late in life? LOL.

6. My kids are my greatest accomplishment and the thing that gives me the most satisfaction in life
My kids are the reason I get up each morning. They are the reason for everything in my life. I love my husband with all my heart, and couldn't ask for a better husband and partner in life. BUT nothing compares to the love you feel for your children, your babies. One smile from my 11 week old son, or a simple, unprompted "I love you mommy" from my three year old daughter can turn the worst day into the best. They are my everything. And I will spend the rest of my life being the best mommy I can be to them.

7. I hate that I look so much younger than my age
I know - most people would be happy to be mistaken for younger. And they never fail to say "oh when you're 40 you'll appreciate it"....but really, I am 31 now and I still get mistaken for being much younger. And while it might seem like a compliment, it also has its downsides - people ofetn treat me younger, assume I don't know what I am talking about, or assume I can't do something because I look much, much younger than 31 years old!

Okay, so now my ten nominees/favourite blogs:

1. The Great Umbrella Heist - a blog about life with spontaneous identical triplets. These girls are adorable and their mom does some beautiful photography. One of the little girls has Spina Bifida and reading her blog has opened my eyes and enlightened me to the ins and outs of Spina Bifida. I find myself cheering along anytime little Anna does something the doctors said she might never do.

2. This Year's Love Will Last - a blog written by a mommy of FOUR girls! These girls are always getting into something, and the stories are hilarious. Each little girl has their own personality and it is so funny. I also really like this blogger's photography.

3. Enjoying the Small Things - written by Kelle Hampton about life with two daughters - one with Down Syndrome. Has really opened my eyes to this disease and led to a better understanding of their abilities. Make sure you read Nella's birth story - it is so honest and raw, which is one of the things I love about this blog - its honesty.

4. Oh Dear Drea - written by a single mom with an adorable little girl named Marlowe. Drea works on a food truck, is a vegan, and a single mom. I find her blog very inspiring, and her lifestyle very down-to-earth and inspirational (think less materialism, and a more whole-foods approach to life and motherhood). It's not all sugary though - she does open up about her struggles as a single mom.

5. Blissful and Domestic - I don't read everything on this blog - it is very Christian-based, which is not my style, but this mom has some amazing tips on frugal living. Currently she is completing a year of homemade living. She does grocery shopping once a month! And never eats out! This family survives on $14,000 US a year!

6. Rants from Mommyland - hilarious rantings from moms.

7. Jasmine Star Photography - amazing website layout and style!

8. Smitten Kitchen - delicious looking recipes and AMAZING food photography!

9. The Nest Effect - the inspiration for my Home Management Binder. Also has some good budgeting and organization ideas.

10. The Long Thread - great craft ideas for kids!

Okay, so some of these are brief, or I only look at occasionally - coming up with a full list of 10 blogs was hard. I don't follow that many on a daily basis. And there are a bunch more that I have just started following on my phone, and don't know their addresses right now. I am sure they will pop up on a post sometime as inspiration etc.

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