Wednesday 8 August 2012

Change of Plans - being a grown-up sucks

Husband was supposed to be on vacation for two weeks starting this past Saturday. We were so looking forward to it! We had so many plans - something every day of each week. And he really needed the vacation, as he has been under an enormous amount of stress lately. However, due to some unforseen issues at work (sorry to be vague, but I can't really talk about it for obvious reasons), he had to cancel most of his vacation. He still had almost one week off though, and we made the most of it.

On Saturday we spent the morning at the Enchanted Garden event at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, ON. It was incredibly hot, but Miss P had so much fun. It was the third annual event (and the second time we have gone), and they added so much more this time. There were way more faries and gnomes too! This year they added tree medallion decorating (last year they already had the tree medallions on a string and glittered) - the tree medallion is given to you with your Magical Name after you have received it from the Fairy King & Queen. Miss P's name was Sedge Firetail :$ She liked it, but I am not as fond of it as last year's: Sunshine Willow. They write the Magical Name on a tree medallion (a slice of a small branch) and give it to you to go decorate and put on a string to make a necklace. Then we went to get her face painted, make a Fairy Garden, and make a Crown (out of willow branches, feathers, coloured yarn/ribbons etc) and a Wand (out of bamboo and feathers, yarn etc.). She had so much fun - even though we practically melted in the heat! In the evening we went to Husband's parents' house for dinner and a swim.

Sunday we did some grocery shopping and got everything ready for our 2 day trip to the cottage in Wasaga Beach! With two little kids you need enough stuff to fill a van! Seriously! It looked like we were going for a month! We only went from Monday - Tuesday! We had so much fun and really got to relax. The cottage was right on the beach - which is perfect because there are 8 million things to carry to the beach when you have kids. I managed to get a somewhat bad sunburn, even though I was in the shade most of the time. And poor Little C (who slept in his bouncy seat in the beach tent) somehow managed to get a bit of a sunburn on his cheek. I tell you - I was one freaked out mama! I pride myself on the fact that my kids don't get sunburns. I am dilligent about sunscreen for Miss P, and Little C is too young for it. However, we were careful to keep him covered and in the shade. We called the Dr when we got home and best they can figure is we were close enough to the water that the sun reflected off the water and up under our beach tent/umbrella. He is okay today, but it looks red. Doesn't seem to bother him too much. But I felt like a total failure.

So tomorrow is husband's last day off this week. He has a few days off next week, and we will be making the most of those days as well.

It sucks that our plans had to change (and therefore some of the people we had planned to see won't be seen now), but he will have a week to take in the early fall (if we can find a time) - and while other family and friends won't be on vacation with us, at least it shouldn't be so hot and we can do some outdoor things without melting (or worrying about Little C overheating). And, since most people will be back to work/school, some of the things we want to do won't be as crowded (and maybe cheaper!).

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