Tuesday 8 January 2013

wow, talk about disappearing!

I didn't realize it had benn more than four months since my last post! Where does time go?!? Lots has happened since my last post. I have started a side-job as an independent consultant with Epicure Selections and it has changed my life! I am loving it and doing fairly well with it! It has slowed down a bit now since the holidays, but hopefully it will pick up again soon. Hubby also started a new job and it has been so good for him! He left a job where he was bullied and stressed to a job that treats him so well. About the same money and hours, but much better work-life balance, and it has been awesome! Little C is now over 7 months old. Laughing, babbling, sitting up! He is now eating solids, and loving it. Sweet P is sweet as ever - a great big sister! We are also making changes at home. We plan to buy a bigger house in the next 2-3 years, so we are using the time now to purge, declutter, and renovate/fix/update the house so it will be ready to put on the market when we find our dream house (ideally a house that we can update and put our own stamp on). So watch for home improvement posts and before & after photos! I promise not to be gone for another four months. Now that i have wireless, I can update from anywhere in thehouse. However, ourcomputer bit the dust a few days ago, so until i make a decision between a desktop and a laptop, all i have is a tablet to blog on. It has not been a good month for electronics in this house.

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