Wednesday 11 July 2012

Post- Garage Sale

We had a fairly successful day, considering we didn't advertise much and we threw it together in a week. Our share was $65; in total, between three households, we made $150! We all have stuff left, and more in our homes to sell so we are doing it again in September - with better advertising. And we will hopefully get the neighbours involved so we can make it a street sale.

I am somewhat of a hoarder (not really, but I have a hard time throwing anything away that I might need), so it was hard to see some things go. But, it felt amazing to be purging. Our basement already looks so much better and I can't wait to get back there to go through the rest of it to find more items to sell! Once we have cleared out everything to sell, we can then get the basement organized (finally!).

Next items to sell: baby stuff. I have so many bins of kids clothing that no longer fit Miss P (15 bins, plus 2 vaccuum bags to be exact), plus all the stuff Little C will be outgrowing. I am having a hard time making a definitive decision as to whether or not we will have a third baby (my husband thinks we already made this decision and we are done - but I can't quite commit). However - I do love the idea of all this baby stuff being GONE! It is taking up so much living space (the swing, bouncy seat, high chair, pack n play, moses basket, play gym etc. - not to mention toys) and so much storage space in our tiny house. I can't wait to clear it all out.

I am on a declutter frenzy. We have a small house (less than 1000 sq ft) and with two kids, it is getting crowded fast. Yes, we will have to move, but No, we can't afford to right now. So, we are decluttering to make it feel bigger. And nothing clutters your house more than baby gear! LOL. So, for this reason (and financial reasons - I can't wait to be done paying daycare!) I am leaning towards being done with having babies. But, then I think - 'what if?'......which then leads me to thinking we should hold on to all the baby clothes and gear for a while just in case. I feel like I am not quite ready to close that door, but ready to be done with all the clutter!

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