Wednesday, 1 January 2014

NYR 2014

I can't believe it is already 2014!

2013 was a rough year for us as a family - lots of bumps in the road that we had to weather. Some have been resolved, some are ongoing, but we are breathing a little easier. There were lots of great things in 2013, but I am not sad to see the year end (except that Christmas went by way too quickly). All these bumps in the road for us, combined with me returning to work full-time, meant my blog fell by the wayside. I thought about coming back and writing, but I just didn't have the right motivation.

A New Year, a New Blog...sort of. I am not reinventing my blog, but rather, going to start blogging more. I know I keep saying it, but this time I am determined. It is one of my New Year's Resolutions....and speaking of resolutions, here are mine for 2014:

1. Take more pictures! I am not committing to taking one a day, or specific amount, just to take more. Life flies by so quickly, and the kids change so much, I really need to get back into my photography. And they don't need to be photo shoots, just more pictures in general. Documenting our lives and loves.

2. Take more "me" time. My husband works random hours, so sometimes it is hard to have me time because I am a 'single parent' a lot of the time. And to be honest, I feel bad taking me time - doesn't every mom? I feel like every waking moment should be about spending time as a family. But I will burn out if I don't take some me time. Luckily, my husband is very supportive of this.

3. Lose weight. 2013 saw a weight loss of 40lbs! I feel great, but still have a ways to go! Another 50lbs or so.

4. Work on the house. Nothing specific here - but I will be making a list of the things we want to do around the house. In general, we want to make our house a true reflection of us. And make it feel more like our home.

5. Purge, purge, purge! I have too much stuff. It's hard for me to part with stuff, but I am really trying to create a more minimalist lifestyle. If I don't love it, need it, or have true sentimental meaning attached to it, then it needs to go. Our house is small and we don't need half of what we have.

6. Work my Epicure business more - it's me time, I enjoy doing it, and it's extra money to help pay off debts

7. Get on an even better budget, so we can pay off more of our debt, and get closer to reaching our goal of debt free. I would love to pay off one major debt by the end of the year.

8. Do more family outings - hopefully free, or for little money

9. Finish Miss P's quilt

10. Blog more

11. Cook more - we have fallen into a rut lately with dinners. I need to pull out the cookbooks and start trying some new recipes.

12. Read more. This also falls into me time, but I haven't been reading much for the past year. I would like to try to read one book a month...I got two for Christmas so I have no reason to not get started on this now.

And my biggest one, to make a baker's dozen:

13. Be present in life - be in the moment, worry less, stress less, and have less distraction. Put the cell phone down, turn off the TV and computer, and be present in my family's life - be focused and enjoy the small things. Don't take any of it for granted.

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